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  • Ukraine. Winter grains are in good and fair condition

Ukraine. Winter grains are in good and fair condition

21 January, 2020 at 13:01

Weather conditions. Very warm weather for this time of year continued on January 11-13, with minor precipitation and frequent fogs.

Moisture supply. Precipitation occurred in the form of rain, drizzle and sleet. Its amount was insignificant, at a total of 1-8 mm (5-40% of normal for the ten days). The fields were mostly snow-free. Only some areas in the northern, eastern and western regions were locally covered with 0.5-2.0 cm of snow.

Crop condition. Winter grains are in good and fair condition. Although winter crops have been exposed to variable weather conditions since the beginning of the growing season, there are no long-lasting adverse factors that could kill plants, reports UkrAgroConsult.