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  • Kazakhstan. Sunflower oil refining plummeted almost by half

Kazakhstan. Sunflower oil refining plummeted almost by half

29 January, 2020 at 15:01

Kazakhstan’s fat-and-oil production in December 2019 showed the following results:

- output of unrefined sunflower oil increased by 55% against the same time last year, while soybean oil output gained 50%;

- rape oil output dropped by 10.3%;

- sunflower oil refining plummeted almost by half, reports UkrAgroConsult.

This season’s production of unrefined vegoils is higher than in MY 2018/19: sunflower oil – up 63.6%, soybean oil – up 30%, rape oil – up 12.7%, while output of refined sunflower oil gained 1.6%.