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  • Rains improve prospects of Romanian corn crop

Rains improve prospects of Romanian corn crop

10 June, 2020 at 18:06

After dry weather in March and April, beneficial precipitation arrived in May and early June to Romania. Rains helped germination and leaf formation processes of corn crop. Soil moisture reserves (0-50 cm layer) are rated as optimal and satisfactory in the major part of corn producing regions, except the south-east and locally in the west.    

Additional rains in the forecast improved the outlook for Romanian corn crop. UkrAgroConsult increases its estimate of corn production to the level, which is 12% above the 5-year average for Romania. 

This season Romania is on the way to record corn export. In September-March 2019/20 sea and inland shipments reached all-time high for the given period and 48% higher y/y. 

Turkey and Egypt became important extra-EU destinations.

Ukrainian bumper crop (also expected in 2020) remains limiting factor for Romanian corn exports on the intra-EU destinations in the next season.