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  • Russia. LLC IPP increasing vegoil handling capacities

Russia. LLC IPP increasing vegoil handling capacities

28 August, 2020 at 07:08

NMTP Group (LSE: NCSP, MOEX: NMTP) has put into operation a third reservoir with a commercial capacity of 8 KMT at LLC IPP (belongs to NMTP Group). Thereby the operating tank battery for handling vegetable oils was expanded to 16 KMT, with the possibility of receiving cargoes from railcars and trucks.

A project for discharging vegetable oil from two trucks at a time was implemented in July 2020. The vegetable oil discharge from tank trucks is up to 1 KMT a day (or 50 trucks).

272.5 KMT of vegetable oil was handled in the first half of 2020. The maximum volume was in March 2020 (76.9 KMT).

In early 2021, it is planned to put into operation another vegetable oil reservoir with a commercial storage capacity of 8 KMT.