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  • Ukraine. Winter grains are in fair and good conditions

Ukraine. Winter grains are in fair and good conditions

15 February, 2022 at 15:02

On February 1-10, it was comparatively warm for this time of year. Precipitation of various intensities was seen in the form of rain, sleet and snow.

The minimum soil temperature at the tillering node depth of winter crops did not drop below -1…-5ºC throughout this period of time, i.e. stayed far above the frost killing level.

Winter crops are in the state of dormancy.

As the frozen soil does not soak water from precipitation and melting snow, there is a threat of ice crust and flooding in the field depressions in some regions.

These events are short-lived: once the average daily temperature grows to above-zero values, the soil will gradually thaw to its full depth and ice crust will break up.

The weather on February 1-10 were relatively favorable for winter crops. Winter grains are in fair and good conditions, UkrAgroConsult reports.

Moisture supply:

Precipitation of various intensity occurred almost all over the country.

Weather forecast for February 14-20:

– Precipitation of 2-15 mm is expected in the western, northern and eastern regions. Central and southern parts of the country will be dry;

– Air temperature will be +6 …+8°C in the daytime, +2…+4°C at night in the West; +3…+5°C in the daytime, 0…+2°C at night in the North; +4…+6°C in the daytime, -1…+1°C at night in the East; +7…+9°C in the daytime, +2…+4°C at night in Central Ukraine; +9…+11°C in the daytime, +3…+5°C at night in the South.