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  • Bulgaria may receive second all-time high sunseed crop

Bulgaria may receive second all-time high sunseed crop

15 June, 2022 at 15:06

As before, MY 2021/22 season features an oilseed export decline in favor of domestic processing, as well as growing sunflower oil shipments to foreign markets amid the product’s shortage in EU countries – this is to support the trend of recent years

The pace of sunseed imports remains rapid even in the middle of the marketing year, when its seasonal slowdown is usually observed.

Ukraine is expected to reinforce its position as a sunflower seed exporter due to growing deliveries in April, May and June 2022.

As for MY 2022/23, sunflower planting is far ahead of last year. The forecast of sunflower plantings was increased slightly.

Soil moisture reserves are uneven across the country, but the overall picture looks much more optimistic than a month ago. This makes it possible to expect a yield increase. In this case, Bulgarian sunseed production would very likely set a new record that may hit a second all-time high (after 2017/18 season), UkrAgroConsult reports.