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  • Exports of sunflower oil and soybeans from Ukraine to 5 EU countries now also require licenses

Exports of sunflower oil and soybeans from Ukraine to 5 EU countries now also require licenses

1 November, 2023 at 12:11

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has made amendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1466 dated December 27, 2022 “On Approval of the Lists of Goods, Export and Import of Which are Subject to Licensing and Quotas for 2023”. They expand the list of agro-commodities subject to licensing for export to five EU countries.

The corresponding decree No. 1133 of October 31 was published on the Government Portal.

Now wheat and a mixture of wheat and rye (meslin), barley, oats, corn, soybeans, rapeseed, sunflower seeds, as well as sunflower, soybean and rapeseed oils and cakes are subject to licensing.

Previously, only wheat, corn, seeds and sunflower seeds were subject to licensing.

“Consideration of applications for licenses for the export of goods specified in this annex is carried out in the order established by the Ministry of Economy, and subject to the additional submission of the applicant – a subject of foreign economic activity to the application of a valid certificate of the payer of value added tax and certificate of opening a bank account by a non-resident (buyer of goods),” – stated in the resolution.

Issuance of licenses for the export of goods specified in this annex shall be made within a period not exceeding 10 working days from the date of receipt by the Ministry of Economy of the application for licenses for the export of such goods.

The export licensing regime does not apply if the company is included in the list of verified exporters. Such list is formed by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy in accordance with the Procedure for implementation of the experimental project on verification of agro-industrial entities under martial law (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1132).

Consideration of applications for licenses to export these goods to Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland is carried out within 30 days in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Economy.

Issuance of licenses for export of these agro-commodities is carried out on the basis of approvals, which are provided by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy after bilateral consultations with partners within 15 days. This term is calculated from the date of receipt from the Ministry of Economy of the application for licenses for export of these goods without involving the exporter in the order of interdepartmental exchange of information.

This decree comes into force in 10 days from the date of its publication.

We shall remind you that the Romanian government approved a decree regulating the import of four types of agricultural products from Ukraine. This was announced by Romanian Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Florin Barbu at a briefing after the government meeting on Thursday.