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  • Solving Key Challenges in Commodity Trade: Join a Legal Seminar by AGA Partners at BLACK SEA GRAIN-2024

Solving Key Challenges in Commodity Trade: Join a Legal Seminar by AGA Partners at BLACK SEA GRAIN-2024

1 February, 2024 at 14:02

AGA Partners, a leading law firm in international trade and arbitration, will hold a Seminar exclusively for the participants of BLACK SEA GRAIN-2024.

The Seminar will be dedicated to the recent challenges encountered by commodity traders, covering the latest trends relating to:

  • Most wide-spread defaults under commodities contracts 
  • Force majeure and prevention of shipment 
  • Calculation of losses

Learn about common mistakes in such disputes and the possible ways how to avoid them, the consequences of non-fulfilment of commodities contracts under English law and many other matters which arise in their everyday trade.

Speakers will share practical insights and unique experience gained during 20+ years of advising the leading agricultural companies in 500+ GAFTA/FOSFA/LMAA arbitration disputes.

This event will be held in the format of interactive communication between the speakers and the audience during which the participants are encouraged to ask questions and discuss the matters they face in their day-to-day work.



Discover more about participation opportunities with BLACK SEA GRAIN-2024:





Conference Sponsors: Eyssautier-Verlingue Group, QSS, MAXAR, StoneX, Ande Logistics, Filhet-Allard Maritime. The Conference is supported by Ukrainian Grain Association, Ukroilprom Association, Donau Soja Organisation, Serbia Grains Association.