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  • Ukrainian corn’s position in the world market in MY 2018/19

Ukrainian corn’s position in the world market in MY 2018/19

12 December, 2018 at 16:12

Despite snow and current weather conditions, the corn harvest in Ukraine continues. As of December 7, it was 98% complete. Roughly 100 Th ha remains to be harvested.

According to meteorologists, air temperatures in most of Ukraine will exceed 00С in the coming days that will accelerate snow melting and allow growers to finish the corn harvest within a week. No precipitation is expected in most of the country in the near future either.

Thus, for the first time in several years, corn will not remain in the field over winter. On average, some 5-10% of corn plantings have remained unharvested until spring in the recent years. This appreciably increased grain losses in the respective areas.

Despite corn plantings in Ukraine being at a four-year high and its total crop being record high, growers will complete this year’s harvest with lower losses and conditioning costs than they could incur with this production level.

UkrAgroConsult expects 2018/19 corn exports at record high level. At the same time, there are still certain risks for realizing export potential.

The complete text is available here...