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  • BLACK SEA OIL TRADE-2024: Conference Agenda Announced!

BLACK SEA OIL TRADE-2024: Conference Agenda Announced!

2 September, 2024 at 12:09

Agenda of the 10th International Conference BLACK SEA OIL TRADE is now available! Join a must-attend event for professionals of agribusiness and oilseed market on October 15 in Bucharest, InterContinental Athénée Palace hotel.

Hear from industry-leading experts, take advantage of insightfull sessions and exclusive networking:


With a focus on expanding the global and regional cooperation, BLACK SEA OIL TRADE-2024 will bring together leading market operators to discuss the latest trends, challenges, and strategies to ensure optimal oilseed & vegoil supply chain to the global food markets.

150 delegates from 25 countries already registered!

Check the registered companies here.

The conference is annually attended by oilseed producers and crushers, traders, oil & fat plants, agrifood sector, investment companies, banks, shipping, brokerage, legal, insurance, surveying and other operators.

Gold Sponsors of the conference – Myande Group, QSS Global, Sponsors – Global Grain International (Trans-Oil Group), EASYTRADE. Organizer – UkrAgroConsult. The conference is supported by Donau Soja, Ukroliyaprom Association, Ukrainian Grain Association.

Discover more about participation within BLACK SEA OIL TRADE-2024:




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or ask a question?
 You are welcome:
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