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AgriFood. Production and Processing Strategies to Meet a Changing World

7 February, 2025 at 13:02

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, in partnership with the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic and in cooperation with the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club Association, is inviting you to join the “Agrifood. Production and processing strategies to meet challenges of a changing world” panel discussion, which will be held within the framework of the 22nd International Conference BLACK SEA GRAIN.EUROPE by UkrAgroConsult.

The panel discussion is part of IFC’s Agribusiness Resilience Project. The goal of the project is to facilitate private sector investments in sustainable and resilient food ecosystems in Ukraine and in Central and Eastern Europe.

Today's world is changing rapidly, and to remain competitive, agribusinesses must constantly adjust and look for new opportunities. Therefore, panelists will discuss the following issues:

  • Promising niches for production and processing: What new directions are companies exploring?
  • What factors influence changes in company strategies? What obstacles do they face?
  • How are companies gaining additional margin? How is the supply chain evolving from raw materials to processed products?
  • Is competition increasing in end-user markets?
  • Which end-user segment shows the most active demand and prospects for sustainable growth?
  • How can companies adapt to challenges and maintain competitiveness?

Moderator: Yekaterina Foster, Operations Officer, Manufacturing, Agribusiness and Services Europe of the International Finance Corporation (IFC)


  • Oleh Khomenko, CEO of Ukrainian Agribusiness Club Association
  • Dmytro Radchenko, Director of Berezan branch of Ukrainian Milk Company
  • Andrzej Szurek, Non-Executive Director of IMC, Managing Director of InnerValue
  • Cezar Gheorghe, Founder of AGRIColumn, Romania
  • Olga Trofimtseva, Sector Lead Agriculture and Food Security of Ukraine Facility Platform

Follow the link to see the full conference Agenda.

Join the ultimate gathering of agibusiness professionals - delegates from 25+ countries are already registered!

BLACK SEA GRAIN. EUROPE offers exclusive agri market analytics and insights from the top industry experts, effective networking and meetings with players across the value chain, top managers, decision-makers and opinion leaders.

The conference will connect top market stakeholders of the Black Sea & Danube region, CEE and Balkans to foster effective agri commodity supply chains to the global food markets.

Join the meeting of agibusiness professionals producers and crushers of grains & oilseeds, commodity traders, agri-food, logistics and finance sectors, government authorities and industry associations.




Distinguished Sponsors of the conference: Legal Sponsor – Fortior Law, Lanyard Sponsor – QSS,  Sponsors - Filhet-Allard Maritime, Сontrol Union, Container Terminal Mostyska.

The conference is supported by: the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine; the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, in partnership with the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic and in cooperation with the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club Association; Ukrainian Grain Association; Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation; Ukroilprom Association; Donau Soja Organisation; and Ukrainian-Czech Chamber of Commerce (UKRCHAM).

Willing to cooperate, become a partner or ask a question? You are welcome: [email protected] +380443645585 +380507861310 (WA, Viber, Telegram)