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  • Air temperatures in southern Romania are 4-6°С above the long-term average

Air temperatures in southern Romania are 4-6°С above the long-term average

27 February, 2019 at 16:02

Elevated air temperatures persisted in Romania this past week (on average 2..6°С above long-term normals). The mean day-time air temperature varied within -5..+6°С. On February 20, the thermometer reading reached +18°С in the south of the country.

Precipitation in the form of rain occurred mostly in the south-west (10-15 mm for the week). Above-normal temperatures provoked growth resumption in winter crops that may have an adverse impact on crop development in the spring. Moreover, the excessively warm weather aggravates soil drought in the south and south-east of the country, reports UkrAgroConsult.