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  • Ukraine’s livestock farming is prioritized

Ukraine’s livestock farming is prioritized

19 March, 2019 at 17:03

The development of the livestock sector requires long-term investments. It has been one of the Ag Ministry's priorities over the last two years, reports UkrAgroConsult.

Ukrainian animal products are not only highly demanded inside the country but also entering foreign markets. In 2018, animal product exports totaled roughly USD 1.2 Bl, or 9% more than in 2017.

The introduction of new technologies in livestock farming is costly and takes a long time to repay, but it produces a beneficial result.

So, for instance, many of operating dairy farms have replaced their herds for highly productive ones. While the farm milk yield in 2010 averaged 3975 kg per cow a year (1588 kg in 2000), it grew to 6211 kg in 2018. On some farms, the average milk yield equals 10-12 MT per cow.

Higher productivity of farm animals is indicated by the improvement of feed conversion rates in all of the livestock segments.

From 2018, the Ag Ministry introduced a target program for state support to the livestock sector. It is planned to spend UAH 3.5 Bl for these purposes in 2019. In 2019, the state support to the sector will be provided in six areas.