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  • Belarus. Weather conditions maintained a fast pace of fieldwork and spring planting

Belarus. Weather conditions maintained a fast pace of fieldwork and spring planting

19 April, 2019 at 12:04

The weather made it possible to maintain a fast pace of fieldwork and spring planting. The 10-cm topsoil layer was moderately wet. The average soil temperature at a 10-cm depth ranged from +4 +6°С in the northwest to +10 +12°С in the south and southeast of the country. Precipitation shortages resulted in a drop in topsoil moisture supply. The latter was below the long-term average for the beginning of the growing season. Winter grains are in good condition, reports UkrAgroConsult.

Belarus. Sowing progress, April 15, 2019


Projected area, Th ha

Planted area, Th ha


Early spring grains and pulses