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  • Romanian rapeseed exports to keep sinking in MY 2019/20

Romanian rapeseed exports to keep sinking in MY 2019/20

15 May, 2019 at 12:05

Despite an expanded acreage for the 2018 harvest, unfavorable weather prevented Romanian farmers from increasing rapeseed production. The crop is now estimated down 10% year-on-year at 1512 KMT.

The fall in production affected the country’s export activity. The current pace of rapeseed exports is slower than in the previous two seasons. According to official data, shipments in July-January 2018/19 were down 20% compared to the record level seen in the same period last season. 

As UkrAgroConsult pointed out before, rapeseed exports from Romania may close this season at the lowest since MY 2015/16.

Most probably, Romanian rapeseed exports will show another drop in the 2019/20 season, as its acreage was slashed by 30% in favor of grains following the 2018 crop failure. In addition, unfavorable weather at planting time and soil moisture deficits this spring suggest that any substantial rise in the average yield is unlikely.

According to UkrAgroConsult’s estimates, rapeseed production in Romania may fall down 23% on the year. This would be below its five-year average. The country’s export potential is estimated at most at 1 MMT.