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  • Buckwheat crop in Ukraine expected to hit an all-time low

Buckwheat crop in Ukraine expected to hit an all-time low

19 June, 2019 at 17:06

Buckwheat planting in Ukraine has ended far behind the target. Farmers only planted 57% of projected area to this crop, specifically 55 Th ha (45% less than by the same date last year), reports UkrAgroConsult.

According to UkrAgroConsult’s estimates, these record small plantings of buckwheat will bring its crop down to an all-time low.

This harvest will not be enough for meeting domestic demand, therefore it will be necessary to step up imports of buckwheat and derived products.

Noteworthy is that Ukraine imported 48 KMT of buckwheat and derived products in the 2017/18 season, mostly from CIS countries. At the same time, that season’s buckwheat output in Ukraine was quite enough for meeting domestic needs. Growth in imports along with already adequate domestic supply of buckwheat provoked a slump in prices for this commodity. This has caused a further decrease in profitability of its growing and consequently slashed its acreage over the past two years.