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  • Ukraine. Productive topsoil moisture supply in corn crops is sufficient

Ukraine. Productive topsoil moisture supply in corn crops is sufficient

19 June, 2019 at 17:06

Weather conditions. The average ten-day air temperature on June 1-10 was 3.0-4.8°С above normal, at 23-26°С. The highest air temperature reached +28-32°С, even +33-34°С in the southern, eastern, Dnipropetrovsk and Kyiv regions. The lowest one on cool nights was down at 8-12°С, reports UkrAgroConsult.

Moisture supply. In single southern areas, productive topsoil moisture supply available to winter rape was insufficient at below 10 mm; locally in Kherson region the dry was absolutely dry. In the rest of areas, productive moisture supply was fair and excessive at 17 to 56 mm.

In western regions, soil moisture content in 100-cm layer in early spring crops was excessive for the grain formation period, at 121-160 mm. In the western and Zhytomyr regions, it was locally excessive at 161-200 mm and optimal at 81-120 mm. In most southern areas and in single areas across Dnipropetrovsk and Sumy regions, productive moisture supply amounted to 52-72 mm.

In most areas, productive topsoil moisture supply in corn crops was sufficient, optimal (21-40 mm and higher) and fair (11-20 mm).

Crop condition is mostly good and fair.