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  • Ukraine. Government prepared to ban wheat exports if they exceed the amount set under the Memorandum

Ukraine. Government prepared to ban wheat exports if they exceed the amount set under the Memorandum

16 April, 2020 at 12:04

Of the 20.2 MMT set under the Memorandum, 17.9 MMT of wheat and 0.27 MMT of flour (0.37 MMT in grain equivalent) were exported in July-March 2019/20. Hence wheat exports in April-June must not exceed 1.7 MMT. 

The problem is a surge in wheat demand along with consequent acceleration of exports in March and April. So, wheat shipments to foreign markets in March totaled 1.3 MMT versus 0.89 MMT last year. 

According to vessel lineups, April exports are expected to be rather significant, even more than last April, UkrAgroConsult reports.

Thus, May-June shipments may decrease considerably compared to April 2020 as well as last year’s level.