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Black Sea pulse market. A focus on effectiveness

29 November, 2017 at 10:11

The Black Sea region has been holding top positions in the world grain, oilseed and sunflower oil markets for a few years now. However, the international pulse market also witnesses an upward movement of Black Sea countries.

In particular, Russia and Ukraine alone accounted for some 30% of global pea output in 2017 against 21% in 2016, reports UkrAgroConsult.

The reinforcement of the region’s position became possible owing to increased production of peas in Russia and Ukraine, chickpeas in Russia and lentil in Kazakhstan. The combined output of pulses in the region has doubled over the last five seasons.

An extremely important aspect is pulse exports, which secure high margins of cultivation and, consequently, further prospects of the Black Sea region in the pulse market. Black Sea countries currently account for 26% of world pulse exports. 

In the opinion of UkrAgroConsultthe further development of the pulse segment is driven mainly by growth of global consumption, attractive price trends, the necessity to restore crop rotation previously oversaturated with oilseeds, and new trends towards healthy nutrition using pulses.

The paper was written on the basis of Sergey Feofilov’s report at the 2nd International Conference “Pulses. Facing Global Demand”