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Black Sea Grain-2018: European Commission expert to make an outlook on Ukraine-EU grain and food trade

24 January, 2018 at 10:01

Damien Plan, a Team Leader Arable Crops Markets, DG Agriculture, European Commission will make an outlook on further prospects of Ukraine-EU grain and food trade at the XV International Conference “Black Sea Grain-2018” .

With the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, Ukrainian agrarian exports show a steady growth and by results of 2017 can reach a record point. EU’s share in the total export of agricultural products from Ukraine comprises one third so far. 

Traditional agricultural products, such as cereals, take the largest share in the export of agricultural products from Ukraine. Thus, additionally introduced annual quota for duty-free wheat exports accounts to 65 KMT, barley - 325 KMT and corn - 625 KMT. Hence, in 2018 Ukraine will be able to ship 1.075 MMT of corn (450 KMT in 2017), 1.025 MMT of wheat (960 KMT) and 595 KMT of barley (270 KMT) within the duty-free quota.

By the end of 2017, Ukraine supplied EU with about 10.3 MMT of grain and processed products. In particular, corn shipments and processed products exceeded 8.5 MMT, wheat exports including flour and wheat bran amounted to about 1.3 MMT, barley - about 280 KMT. In 2017 Ukraine also supplied to the EU about 113 KMT of sorghum, about 7 KMT of rye and more than 1.8 KMT of oats.

Except cereals, niche products appear in the export structure, such as nuts, berries, organic vegetables, dairy products, etc. It is also worth noting that Ukrainian producers began to expand export of goods with high added value. These factors are likely to give an impulse to introduction of additional quotas.

Potential for the agricultural sector development of Ukraine is still quite high. Thus, farmers should focus on organic and processed products instead of raw materials.

Further prospects on EU-Ukraine agri & food products trade will be presented by Damien Plan, European Commission, at the XV International Conference “Black Sea Grain-2018” .

“Black Sea Grain” Conference is a major meeting point for the top agribusiness community, 2 days of exclusive market insights from the leading global experts and effective networking.

120+ agribusiness companies from 25+ countries already registered to take part.

Find out the Speakers and Preliminary Agenda of the XV International Conference “Black Sea Grain-2018”.

XV Jubilee International Conference “Black Sea Grain: Moving Up the Value Chain” will take place on April 18-19, 2018 in InterContinental hotel, Kiev, Ukraine. Organizer – consulting agency UkrAgroConsult, General Sponsor – ACTAVA TRADING, Exclusive Financial Sponsor – Credit Agricole, Sponsors -  Filhet-Allard Maritime, INTL FCStone, supported by GAFTA and Ukrainian Grain Association.


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