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  • Ukraine. Soil moisture content remains poor in the south

Ukraine. Soil moisture content remains poor in the south

25 May, 2020 at 17:05

Weather conditions. It was somewhat cooler than usual on May 11-20, with precipitation of various intensities. The average daily air temperature on most days was at +9.9-16.8°C, i.e. 0.1-8.3°C below normal.

Moisture supply. Precipitation of various intensities occurred during 3-4 days, though it was distributed unevenly. Its amount on May 11-20 ranged from 1 to 70 mm. Light rains that fell in the south of the country did not ease air drought, nor even soil one in some areas. In most of southern Ukraine, soil moisture content remains poor and insufficient. In other parts of the country, rainfall considerably improved topsoil moisture supply and accelerated development of winter and early spring grains.

Crop condition. On May 11-20, grain crops were exposed to moderately warm weather and enjoyed adequate soil moisture. Winter grains are rated good and fair. Their condition is poor solely in the south, where significant crop areas have been hit by return frosts and soil moisture shortages. Planting of all spring crops, except for soy, is complete, UkrAgroConsult reports.