Ukraine. Hot weather and precipitation deficit in early August may result in cutting late spring crop forecasts

3 August, 2020 at 16:08

Crop condition:

  • late-sown crops are mostly in good condition, but mass development of weeds, diseases, and pests is underway;
  • a critically important period for the development of late-sown crops. Now the plants are growing in size that strengthens their demand for moisture.

In corn and sunflower, a moisture shortage combined with high air temperatures causes plant fading, premature leaf drying, lower photosynthesis activity, disorders in fertilization and grain formation processes. Consequently, it leads to a drop in the crop.

In soybean crops, soil moisture shortages during the blooming and plant growth entail shedding of buds, flowers, fruits, reduce the seed weight and the crop.

Forecast for August 3-9:

  • dry, hot weather almost all over the country;
  • insignificant precipitation in the east;
  • soil drought keeps aggravating.

If no precipitation occurs within the coming two weeks, UkrAgroConsult will be forced to cut its crop forecasts for corn, soybeans, and sunflower.