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  • Bulgaria. Rapeseed yield failed growers in 2018/19 season, but importers will not be affected

Bulgaria. Rapeseed yield failed growers in 2018/19 season, but importers will not be affected

9 October, 2018 at 17:10

The final rapeseed crop figures published by the Ag Ministry of Bulgaria were left unchanged from their preliminary level. As a reminder, the 2017/18 total rapeseed crop amounted to 479 KMT that is down almost 6% from the previous year. The harvested area was the smallest in four years, at 160.7 Th ha, while yield was the highest on record in Bulgaria, at 2.98 MT/ha. The latter increased slightly from the 2016/17 high of 2.97 MT/ha, UkrAgroConsult’s analysts report.

Taking into account that rapeseed is an export-oriented crop for Bulgaria, where its export share occasionally exceeds 90%, the foreign trade capacity directly depends on the crop amount. As expected, rapeseed supplies to foreign markets in the 2017/18 season fell down 12.6% from the 2016/17 season. The market is focused on Europe, whose market share totaled to 93% in MY 2017/18.

As for 2018/19 season, based on a relatively large harvest area reported, the initial expectations about the Bulgarian rapeseed market looked quite optimistic.

UkrAgroConsult estimates the result of Bulgaria’s rapeseed harvest at a level slightly lower compared to last year, however the 2018/19 scenario is expected to be close to last season’s one. Most likely, the only exception will be the export segment, where importers will be able to purchase less Bulgarian rapeseed.

Full version of the article is available via the link and also to subscribers for weekly market report “Black Sea Vegoils” by UkrAgroConsult.

Analytical report "Black Sea Vegoils" contains detailed analysis of the latest trends in oilseeds/vegoils/meals exports, palm oil imports, supply and demand balances with breakdown by crop as well as crop conditions and progress in planting/harvesting in the countries of Black Sea Region.

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