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  • Saudi Arabia considerably increased purchases of Romanian barley

Saudi Arabia considerably increased purchases of Romanian barley

31 January, 2019 at 16:01

In July-December 2018/19 Romania shipped 782 KMT of barley, which was 13% lower than over the same period of last season (897 KMT) due to lower export potential. Compared to July-December 2016/17 exports are 2.1% higher, reports UkrAgroConsult.

According to port data, in December 2018/19 Romania exported 13.36 KMT of barley. This was 22% lower than in the same month of 2017 and steeply lower than in the previous month due to seasonal export slowdown.  In December 2018 Lybia and Cypruss were the key destinations for Romanian barley.

This season Spain, Iran and Jordan are absent from major buyers of Romanian barley - though, exports to Saudi Arabia are 43% higher than last season.

More detailed information on the latest trends in grain exports, supply and demand balances with breakdown by crop, price behavior, crop conditions and progress in harvesting/planting in the countries of Black Sea Region is available to subscribers for weekly market report "Black Sea Grain" by UkrAgroConsult.